The Whole Nine Yards

Muse Staff2016 - June, Own It

In everything you do, to be successful you need to give it everything you have—and more. Take the extra time and go the extra step.

Silver Lining

Muse Staff2016 - June, Own It

When things don’t work out as you originally planned, stop and evaluate what new opportunities exist. The sooner you pivot to available options, the quicker you’ll see the shine.

Customer Demand

Muse Staff2016 - June, Data Driven

If you capture a million users, keep your mouth shut. Be silent and remain so until you are much larger. This increases the likelihood that a larger player in the industry will make an acquisition offer after you’ve demonstrated your success.
You’ve successfully disrupted a market, which will attract capital to fuel your growth.*

Elbow-to-Elbow with Experts

Muse Staff2016 - June, Feature

Let’s be honest. In the entrepreneurial world, there are dabblers and then there are those serious, committed, and passionate about bringing their ideas to market.