Bold Confidence

Muse Staff2016 - December, Publisher's Note


Publisher’s Letter

By Erin Strang | President + CEO, CMURC
When you walk into a store and see new or innovative products on the shelf, do you say to yourself, “I wish I would have thought of that!” or “I had that very same idea years ago.” Then do you stop and think that it’s too bad that you didn’t do anything about it?

With any idea, you need to plan, develop, and implement. Confidence in choosing which idea to pursue—from the many you generate—will come with knowledge. Once you have the right foundation, you can be sure of your ability to make anything happen. Be bold and be confident—don’t let anyone or anything stop you from doing what you are certain about.

Here in MUSE you’ll get the uncensored truth about being an entrepreneur. It’s the information you need to know—but might not know to ask.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our strengthening economy. They’re calculated risk-takers. They thrive on passion to bring their ideas to reality, outweighing any fears that they have, and they capitalize on every opportunity.

If you have what it takes, you want to realize your dream, and you want to make things happen—there’s no better time to start.

Use this information as a guide to do something to inspire us all.

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