Tech Ka-BOOM

Muse Staff2015 - October, Data Driven

Tech Ka-BOOM

Tech startups lead VC funding and foster job growth.

By Laurie Hileman


Tech industry name for startups valued at $1 billion or more by venture capitalists.

Rapid Job Growth

Though they start lean, new high-tech companies grow rapidly in the early years, adding thousands of jobs along the way.

Job Creators

Though they start lean, new high-tech companies grow rapidly in the early years, adding thousands of jobs along the way.*


Amount pumped in to U.S. startups by venture capitalists in 2014. Software startups accounted for 41% of total funding.**

Top 3 Reasons Why Startups Fail***

  • Connector.

    No market need

  • Connector.

    Ran out of cash

  • Connector.

    Not the right team


* rms-outpace-private-sector-job-creation
** cial-startup-funding-last-year-was-biggest-since-2000

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