Finding Your Way

Muse Staff2015 - October, Publisher's Note


Publisher’s Letter

By Erin Strang | President + CEO, CMURC
We each have dreams of what we want to be when we grow up. I’m sure that you did, and maybe you still do. But did you ever dream of being an entrepreneur—starting your own company, being your own boss?

Many shy away because of fear of the unknown, or not being aware of what entrepreneur really means. It’s more than good ideas that make an entrepreneur. When you look around at other entrepreneurs and what appears to be an individual’s overnight success, what you rarely see is how long it took. The collaboration. The sacrifices. The ways they tried and failed and tried and failed again.

Here in MUSE you’ll get the uncensored truth about being an entrepreneur. It’s the information you need to know—but might not know to ask.

Entrepreneurs are the backbone of our strengthening economy. They’re calculated risk-takers. They thrive on passion to bring their ideas to reality, outweighing any fears that they have, and they capitalize on every opportunity.

If you have what it takes, you want to realize your dream, and you want to make things happen—there’s no better time to start.

Use this information as a guide to do something to inspire us all!

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